Wills and probate deals with the processes of making a will before death and the winding up of the affairs of a person after death. Though no one wishes to be in a position to want to do this it is an inevitable situation one has to go through especially for those with earthly possessions. As more and more people tend to have their own preferences with how to dispose of their assets after their demise, our lawyers make sure their testaments are preserved as the testator wishes they be. Due to the fiduciary duty we owe to such of our clients after their demise, we take exceptional care to ensure that their estates are well preserved after they are long gone by providing estate trust team for those clients with large estates.
In some instances, a deceased may not have put his estate in order before passing. In such situations, we seek to identify all relevant properties that may form part of the deceased’s estate including stocks, bonds and some instances liabilities. Where it is necessary to trace possible beneficiaries of the deceased’s estate, we get that done. We do this to avoid future claims against the estate of the deceased.
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